Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Santa's grotto

Today we posted our letters to Santa in his special post box and guess what he was there in his grotto. We all squashed into wish him a merry Christmas and everyone got a lovely surprise when he gave each of us a glow stick.

Monday, 8 December 2014

The Big Read

On Monday Sarah from the Petone Library came to talk to us about The Big Read competition the libraries are running over the summer holidays. It's a great thing for everyone to do to keep up their reading skills. Please head down to any library to sign up, don't forget to tell them your school name.

Last Tai Chi with Sr Annette

Today was our last session with Sr Annette. The progress Tui has made in learning the moves, balance and coordination has been great to watch. Huge thanks to Sr Annette. We absolutely love our time with you. See you next year!

Welcome Zach

Our last Tui for 2014 arrived on Monday. Welcome Zach it's great to have you here, you're already a Terrific Tui, giving everything a go!

Thursday, 4 December 2014

TTT day

It was our annual Topnotch Team Time Day. What a fantastic sight, the whole school mixing together in a range of fun activities designed by our lovely school councilors. Big thank you to Ms Delahunty, our School Council and the Year 7&8's who organised this day for us.
Anthony at the design in playdough table.

Bez about to start the obstacle course.

Oscar waiting to start at the Jump Rope station
Caitlin dancing at Musical Statues

Roman at construction

 Samantha at loom bands

Zephannia enjoying his treat at The Dance Challenge

 Tom and Mia enjoying the hockey station

Lola and Olivia had great fun with the parachute.

Kiri was great at the dodge ball.
What a awesome leggo creation Isabel and Anthony

Apai has his turn at the playdough table


It was a fantastic night with everyone 'WOWed' out by the amazing costumes, dances and show that the school put on. Everyone looked great but our taniwha was truly incredible. Huge thanks to Monica, Phoebe, Anita, Maree and Jackie for helping out during our creating day and back stage for all the dressing and last minute stapling & hot glue gun fix ups. Samuel our narrator and Henry our taniwha head and music composition did a great job too. But of course the true stars were the TERRIFIC TUIS, they were incredible. Well done all of you !
Anita puts the final touches to the taniwha head,

Samuel and Henry

 Getting ready back stage
What would we do without you Maree and Anita

Oscar, Angelina and Tom ready to go on
 Here we go!
 Our awesome taniwha body

Henry the scary taniwha head

Lola and Tom entered the hat competition. What fabulous hats !!

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Welcome Samantha

Last Tuesday Samantha started in Tui class. At school prayer her big brother Gabriel and proud mum Pauline introduced her to our Sacred Heart Petone whanau.

WOW begins

On Thursday Tui was action packed with creativity. There was spray painting, gluing, pom pom making, painting and a lot more. Our taniwha has nearly been completed with just a few finishing touches to be done before the big day next week.
Huge thanks to Monica, Jackie, Maree, Anita and Phoebe who gave up their day to help us create our masterpiece.

Monday, 17 November 2014

The Great Duck Race

As part of a fundraiser for several well deserving charities, there is an annual duck race held every year on the Hutt River. This year Sacred Heart Petone is entering a duck and Tui class were chosen to decorate him or her. Oscar made sure it had goggles to protect its eyes in case it went under. Kiri gave it a pretty necklace and Lola some lovely earrings. The rest of us made sure it was as colourful as possible so that we had a chance of spotting it amongst the 2000 plus other contestants.