Thursday, 31 July 2014

New Activities for Literacy time

This term we have some new independent activities to help us with our literacy. We have the Tui Class postbox, and Kiri is busy writing a letter to someone. Who could the lucky person be?

Olivia, Roman and Apai are practicing writing their full names and addresses. Aren't we such clever people?

Hard at work in Tui Class

Hands on practical ways to learn make learning exciting for everyone. Here we are learning to recognize patterns to 10 with our buddies.

Tui and Ruru Class Liturgy

On Thursday we had a class liturgy. It was great to see so many of our family there especially as our theme was community. Father Albano helped us and we were so proud of the way every single person took part.

Look what happens in Tui on a Wednesday when it's too cold for PE

On Wednesday instead of going out for ball skills with Bob, instead we heard a fantastic story. One of the characters was a giant Barbie. We loved Bob in his pink hair.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

A Great Video from our Sacred Heart Whanau celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Maori

Loads of clever people took on the homework challenge of creating a clip using Te Reo. We also had a go at buddy time. Tino pai nga tamariki ma. Click on this link  to check it out.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Te Wiki o te Reo Maori, a wonderful way to start Term 3.

Winter definitely was here for the beginning of term but that didn't stop Tui Class starting back at school with big smiles and getting straight back into the school and our activities.

It was Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori for the first week and we had lots of lovely people coming into class to teach us some new skills.

It was a very special day on the first day back, we welcomed Mia and Roman to Tui Class.

 Jen and Jolie from the Settlers Museum came into show us some taonga from pre-settlers time.

Tom and Olivia practice with their rakau. Maybe you could show your Canadian family what to do Tom.

 Whaea Gabrielle and Matua Matt taught us some waiata and a great game Huri Atu, Huri Mai to help us with our reo. It was lots of fun.
 Pania and Hinemoa also came into teach us rakau. They thought we were faster than Kakapo in leaning the actions!
 Look here's Mia and Roman straight into learning how to read. What Terrific Tuis.
 Father Albano is a regular visitor to Tui Class, most Wednesdays he comes over to help us with our reading and writing. We love talking to him as we work on our alphabet activities.
 We were so proud of Oscar this week at writing time. He wrote his story all on his own and really fast! He was feeling very proud too as he shared it with us. Way to go Oscar!

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Busy End of Term 2 in Tui Class

There was a lot happening at Sacred Heart Petone in the last couple of weeks of term 2.

We still managed to keep our Maths and Reading going though. Here we are exploring number concepts through fun activities with our class mates.

In the last week we had some goodbyes to say. We had a shared lunch to celebrate the end of term and to say goodbye to Lenix, Ella, Rosa, Danijela and Tialemua who are all moving onto Ruru class next term.

On the last day of term we had a farewell assembly for Sr Annette. She is leaving Sacred Heart Petone after nearly 30 years of teaching here. Tui has a special link with Sister as she taught some of our parents. It was a beautiful assembly, fulled with our love and respect for a very special lady.